Ionic Bonding Resources

Bond overview

Watch THIS to better understand the difference between ionic, polar covalent and non-polar covalent bonds. The narrator is very dynamic! : )

Content resources--stuff to know......

MIT lecture. Enjoy this MIT lecture on ionic bonding. The lecture actually starts 12 minutes into the class. If you get bored or lost, watch at least the last 15 minutes. (move the time bar to 35 minutes).

Study this link further to better understand the relationship between lattice energy, strength of ionic bonds and solubility.

This chart represents the steps in the formation of two different ionic compounds. Do you understand the following questions/issues?

Why is the lattice energy so much greater for MgO than for NaF?

Why is the electron affinity positive for O and negative for F?

Why is the bond energy so much greater for oxygen than for fluorine?

Why is the total ionization energy for Mg so much greater than that for Na?

How do the overall (heat of formation) energy changes compare?

Which reaction requires more energy to get started?

Interactive Practice

Born Haber Cycle interactive

Born Haber Cycle --- This is a "fill in the blank" animation to help you understand the steps in ionic bond formation. In this animation the sign on the lattice energy is positive because the creator of the animation defines lattice energy as the energy required to separate the ions in the cystal. In class we defined lattice energy as the energy released when the crystal was formed . The absolute value is the same, but the sign is different.

Lab Resources

Solubility rules

Solubility Lab Class Discussion

Other Resources

Electronegativity Values

Just for fun and learning....

Element Quiz

Bonding Reading